113 – Bad-Ass Russian Women & the Men Who Feared Them: A Vengeance Tale in Three Parts (with Kat Thompson and Jill Martiniuk)

GUESTEMBER concludes with a pair of brilliant guests. Joining us are Kat Thompson and Jill Martiniuk, who reveal a trio of stories about Bad-Ass Women throughout Russian history. Sit back and relax [maybe with some vodka?] as we talk about Olga of Kiev [#DownWithTheDrevlians!], Catherine the Great, and the 588th Night Bomber Regiment from WWII. Later, enjoy a quiz on even more bad-ass Russian women!




[Music: 1) Ivan Larionov, “Kalinka,” orig. 1860. Courtesy of YouTube user Only4Russian; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
113 - Bad-Ass Russian Women & the Men Who Feared Them: A Vengeance Tale in Three Parts (with Kat Thompson and Jill Martiniuk)

112 – In Cold Blood (with Corinne Atkinson)

GUESTEMBER [bwa-da-DAH-daaaaah] continues as we’re joined in-studio by All-Star Canadian listener, Corinne Atkinson, who works as a “vampire” [or if we’re being less hyperbolic: a medical laboratory technician]. Learn about that Super Important Goo Inside You, common blood and other fluid tests, and why you should really listen to your doctor when they tell you to fast. [**Squeamish folks, don’t worry– Julia got through this, and so can you!**] Later, enjoy a quiz called “Cats and Matt Damon and Firefighting”!




[Music: 1) Drake, “Started from the Bottom,” 2013; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
112 - In Cold Blood (with Corinne Atkinson)

111 – Do the Math (with Eric Siy)

It’s our second installment of GUESTEMBER! We’re joined by Eric Siy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who helps to dissolve our math anxiety. Play along at home, and commit to memory some Mathematicians You Should Know. Later, enjoy a quiz called “I Was Told There Would Be No Twinks”!




[Music: 1) Tom Lehrer, “That’s Mathematics,” 2010; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
111 - Do the Math (with Eric Siy)

110 – Expo 67 (with Holly Ahronheim)

It’s GUESTEMBER, y’all! We’re joined by Holly Ahronheim, who uses her Jeopardy! experience to expose us to World’s Fairs– in particular, the 1967 International and Universal Exposition. Later, enjoy a quiz on things that debuted at a World’s Fair!



[Music: 1) Young Canada Singers, “Expo 67 – Canada (The Centennial Song),” written by Bobby Gimby, 1967; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
110 - Expo 67 (with Holly Ahronheim)