198 – L’ultima Dogaressa: Peggy Guggenheim

Gore Vidal called her “the last of Henry James’s transatlantic heroines–Daisy Miller with rather more balls.” This week, learn all about the American heiress and celebrated art collector Peggy Guggenheim [along with a lot of terrific 20th century art-world gossip]. Later, enjoy a quiz called “Start of This Century”!




[Music: 1) Krisma, “Peggy Guggenheim,” 1980; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
198 - L’ultima Dogaressa: Peggy Guggenheim

144 – Degenerate Art

Our lives today are pretty surreal, folks, so what better time than now to educate you all in a little art history, hmmm? Today, we get into the true weirdness [and the rise and fall] of the Dada and Surrealism movements. Later, take a quiz on Dadas and Papas!




[Music: 1) Daniel Varsano, Erik Satie’s “Gymnopédie No. 1,” orig. 1888, rec. 1979; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
144 - Degenerate Art