234 – The Sorceress Who Left Too Soon

Today, learn all about an accomplished female Mexican surrealist (–no, not that one). In this episode, Lauren paints a portrait of Remedios Varo, and later, gives us a quiz about artist’s biopics!




[Music: 1) Meydän, “Surreal Forest,” 2018. Courtesy of Meydän, CC BY 4.0 license; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
234 - The Sorceress Who Left Too Soon

144 – Degenerate Art

Our lives today are pretty surreal, folks, so what better time than now to educate you all in a little art history, hmmm? Today, we get into the true weirdness [and the rise and fall] of the Dada and Surrealism movements. Later, take a quiz on Dadas and Papas!




[Music: 1) Daniel Varsano, Erik Satie’s “Gymnopédie No. 1,” orig. 1888, rec. 1979; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
144 - Degenerate Art

102 – Don’t Be So Bourgeois

Lauren returns to her favorite category to spin a yarn all about French-American artist Louise Bourgeois. [You might know her Spider sculptures, but hoo-ee, there is much more of her Surrealist and Feminist art to cover.] Later, enjoy a quiz about the bourgeoisie and arachnids!




[Music: 1) U2, “Sunday Bloody Sunday,” 1983; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
102 - Don't Be So Bourgeois