218 – Weird and Wonderful Coral Reefs (with Jordan S.)

Say, are you among those constantly struck with the creeping dread that the ocean is a vast, cold, dark mystery? (Or perhaps that dread is tied to the death of our coral reefs?) Today, let our extremely knowledgeable guest, Jordan, soothe your mind and heart with an episode dedicated to our weird and wonderful underwater ecosystem.




[Music: 1) Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker for Wii U, “Main Theme,” 2014; 2) Frau Holle, “Ascending Souls,” 2017. Courtesy of Frau Holle, CC BY-NC 3.0 license.]

Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
Miss Information: A Trivia Podcast
218 - Weird and Wonderful Coral Reefs (with Jordan S.)